PARSHAS Vayechi 5784

Our Cousins in the IDF

Rabbi Gabi Gittleson


Last week I got a message my first cousin was caught in a Hamas ambush and was being rushed to the hospital. While we are unfortunately constantly informed of IDF soldiers being killed or injured during this campaign, this news felt different. I didn’t just express my sadness and frustration, but I felt a deeper pain and concern. What was different this time? Why did this news feel different?

As of this writing, 492 members of the IDF have been killed in the current war – 333 on Oct 7th and 159 since the Gaza invasion began. This is aside from the hundreds of civilian lives lost on that fateful Simchat Torah / Shabbat morning, and the 130+ still in captivity. Eighty days of ongoing pain and tragedy, a significantly difficult time for Jews across the world. Eighty days is a long time, which brings a whole new set of challenges.

While every day we hear unfortunately of another soldier who is killed defending our people, while we continuously daven and perform mitzvot for those who are in captivity – it’s hard to keep up the emotions for such a long time, and especially from such a distance. The gift that Hashem gave us of “time healing all wounds” is very beneficial in many areas. But how do we stay engaged and caring over such a long period?

In this week’s Torah portion, Yaakov is nearing the end of his life. Before his passing, he gives responsibilities and blessings to his sons and grandsons, establishing for them a framework and hope of how to live a dedicated, Torah life even after he is gone. In fact, the Gemara tells us how Yaakov was the first person ever to get sick prior to dying, giving him the opportunity to give his children a final message. It was personal for Yaakov, as he knew the importance of encouraging his kids for the future.

When things are personal, it helps change our perspectives, our efforts, our reality. When it’s a first cousin in the line of fire, news from a war really hits home. (Though he suffered injuries, Baruch Hashem my cousin is expected to be OK in the long run.)

Sometimes, the big picture of a tragedy is too much for us and makes it difficult to connect. So let’s make it personal. One suggestion – and I encourage everyone to do this – is to get the name of one soldier and put his or her name / picture up on your fridge and office. A specific person whom you daven for and do good deeds on their behalf. Try to find out about them and their family. Send their kids a present. Send their wife flowers for Shabbat. Get their Hebrew name and say a single prayer every day. The website https://www.sharejustonething.com/ is a great resource to match up with a soldier.

Let’s each match up with a soldier and see a greater surge in our connection to our fellow Jews. May we see a quick and safe end to the war, with all hostages returned. 

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